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can of new items? -polandball 2024

so, if you make this car and try to self-destruct it will lead to the spinning thing

Will this spinning thing can't be destroyed! even if I click self destruct

(2 edits)

never played such an entertaining game buuuuut there is a glitch that makes your vehicle bouncy and invincible and u cant self destruct apart from that....great game

edit:the glitch has something to do with the red engine 

i stand corrected it just glitches whenever 

Very fun. Interestingly for me the best designs for me were ones with only 1 wheel

My PC said that this possibly a virus. Can you please prove to me that this is not a virus for Windows?

(1 edit) (+1)

surprisingly addictive game

you should add the option to edit the vehicle after it breaks

plus i found a bug that makes a core and a engine fly through the air invincible


I got at least 1.2 km. Basically just used a unicycle design with a jumbo wheel three large engines tetrised atop each other and two normal engines on the side, as bumpers. Could have likely kept going indefinitely if I was slightly more careful.


this is my high, but i will beat it, soon


i found a glitch and my car is now ALMOST invincible.


i tried this, the only bad part is that the bottom is 2 low

nice find! thank you for playin buddy

add some way to move the pilot place, because it would be funny

i found space

add new option to death menu: upgrade: edit the buil you used in that try

(1 edit) (+1)

Ahhh I hate this game! I also love it. But it has one flaw for my taste: a random track on every run makes the game feel very random. We can't design and tweak the vehicle for the obstacles in front of us, so any vehicle has a high probability of breaking on the first obstacle. I would rather choose a level and try to "solve" it. So, frustrating fun, but still fun :)


I have found "45Ā°" vehicules to be very efficient ^_^ This one broke after 236m.

Thanks! Yeah, multiple unique levels with different challenges would be objectively better, but with the jamā€™s time constraints I opted for the random generation. The tilted vehicles are very powerful! I actually wrote about them in the ā€˜tips n tricksā€™ section of the gameā€™s description, so good job figuring that out if you havenā€™t read that. :)

hehehe ,  EZ


i got 373 for now


Amazing Game, hadn't had that much fun in a while. It's so simple but so effective. And the Artstyle šŸ˜

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it!

Good game but there is two things.

1. Rotating parts

2. A softlock when use self destruc

I considered adding support for rotating parts but I didnā€™t think I would be able to make it in time for the jam. Yeah Iā€™ve been told about the softlock, Iā€™ll try and fix that post-jam. Thanks!


I am terrible lol but I really love the idea

Thanks for playing! :)